Follow Me Friday (21)

I am Follow Friday is a weekly meme hosted by Parajunkee. Head over there and join in on the fun, and meet some new blogger friends.

What is on your current playlist right now?
Demi Lovato(I love her voice), Paramore, a bunch of K-pop/rock, J-pop/rock. I have a lot of anime opening + ending songs on my playlist. Big time anime fan…haha XD

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6 Responses to Follow Me Friday (21)

  1. I just had to say I love K-pop and J-pop! haha I have a bunch of those on my playlist.

  2. I hear a lot about Demi Lovato. Old follower stopping through.

  3. Amanda P says:

    umm-ur-ah – I have no idea with K-pop or J-pop is or how its different from regular pop. Although I'm kind of more of a rock out with your cleavage out sort of girl. =)new follower -Amanda PParanormal RomanceBooks, Shopping & Rock N' Roll

  4. Alison says:

    Hopping through. I should try Demi Lovato. I'm skeptical b/c she's an actress though.My Hop

  5. Hello! I'm a new follower! I'm listening to some Adele right now. Happy Blog Hop!P.S. Last day for our five HUGE giveaways!!!Lisa @ Once Upon A Chapter

  6. Jadey! says:

    At least I'm not the only one with K/J-Pop and Anime music on mine! I have Demi Lovato as well, love your playlist!New follower!Jade @

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